Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I've been tagged!!

Now that spanky and debanjan have tagged me I have to abide by the rules.

The rules are as follows:
1. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
3. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

Let me open my book for you........

1) Although it is pretty evident i'll still like to state it coz its a fact - I can't stand people making fun of me. So much so that i sometimes believe they are making fun of me even when they are not. I have learnt to take it lightly but somethings still make me really angry.

2) I am a worried soul, think too far ahead into the future,give up on things when i find there are people better than me and take up new things. I strongly believe that just a lil extra can make impossible, possible.

3) I used to be a whiner in school. I used to take umbrage at any trivial comment about myself and cry like a baby. I stopped doing it only in sixth or seventh standard.

4) I had a tendency of imitating tennis stars when i was very young. I used to pull my sleeves up very high like Steffi Graf and once i saw Sampras pull at his shorts and i started doing that. My teacher called my parents one day and asked em to make me get rid of this habit. Teachers on several occasions called my parents to the school just to tell them that i was really talkative.

5) I used to watch "Bay watch" and "The bold and the beautiful" and similar stuff (X files , Wonder years) when i was really young.I remember watching "Bold and the beautiful and Santa Barbara" in 1993.I was seven then. Strangely my parents never said anything . I dint understand a thing back then but I had this penchant for such shows.

6) I like to be the centre of attraction, sometimes try too hard to attract attention by making vague statements, trying to be funny. I want everyone to like me and the fact that this is not possible makes me sick.

7)I am a really social being. I like making more and more friends and invariably i end up making friends with most people i meet except for girls. I am just not comfortable around them. An all boys school followed by IIT does not help.

8) Once my sister made me wear a frock and go around the house . My mom got the shock of her life. I make a horrible girl btw. Around the same time I tasted booze for the first time. A friend of my dad used to come and drink at our place and one day he offered me a drink saying it was "Sharbat". This guy even gave me "gutka" but i refused.

I tag: Baille, Lace, Pinky, Gayatri, KV, Makam,Niladri,GK.


SpankMac said...

ooh.. i think we know most of this here, except for the effeminate bits :)

whining, frocks, pulling shorts,!!

it's baille said...

yep know most them... you are like an open book's open page [:D]

Shrey said...

guess few of the comments here were overlapping, in the sense that they revolved around the same theme and hence cannot be called random.. had expected it to be a bit more informative.. :P

wolverine said...

Lot of info man!..

hmm.. i always knew there was a whining girl in frock inside the rock star :D