Friday, August 29, 2008

Long time no sea???

Yeah, I've been in bangalore for quite sometime now , away from the sea, away from Chennai. And to be frank, I don't miss any of it. Long since i wrote here, also. A combination of all these has made me, in conjunction with boredom, log on. It's gonna be good. It better be good. Time to make a statement. Things happen to people I happen to things and people. How to save a life playing in the background, I begin to tell you a story. A story for the contemporary, whatever that means.

He knew it wasn't a good idea. The optimist in him, insisted on going ahead. Risk averseness can only take you so far, or so he'd heard. He was going to take the risk. Some years back this guy knew no fear, only FEAR!!!! He'd worked hard to get where he was and though it felt great, there was always this , this fear. WHAT IF?
But things were different now. A confident man, he was out to take the world on.

Wait a second. How did this happen??
Realisations! He realised his potential, or so to say , other people's lack of it. This was his ego's fall back insurance policy. Nothing now would dishearten him.

Just for the curious, he was this ordinary guy, just more talented. He loved his folks, friends and the occassional tryst with the happy stuff. There were a lot of women in his life, just no woman. Not much of a dancer, not much of a music person. He'd just do what he was good at, there wasn't anyone better probably. He was getting used to the nice easy way of living.

Now you're wondering what made him want to take this risk. Well, for most part of the time that's gone by, since he first thought about this, he himself wasn't so sure. But like i said, he is just another person, like you, like me. He gets curious. And his mind wanders places wondering things. So the explaination goes more like "I was meant to do this".

He'd known her for quite sometime now. They were like nut and bolt. Only not bolts. Complete nuts. They'd go out all the time. They'd be so into each other they'd be oblivious to things around. Homo Sapiens have a problem though. They need to reach a conclusion. They just need to know of what lies ahead. And here's where things go miserably wrong. He'd been thinking about it. And now he was gonna ask her.

Stay hooked, more to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm...i sure will stay tuned. but i smell something fishy here...especially around the "Chennai rocking" story :P !!!