Saturday, December 27, 2008

The young and their restless search for love

Youth is about searching, life is about finding, finding out, that the search is never ending. All our lives we search for something that is perfect, that what makes you feel complete, makes you happy. After all, life is the pursuit of happyness.

We're too used to looking back and wondering mmm.... what could have, and there in lies the difference between the young and the not. The young live in the present, this moment is about certainty and optimism, this moment you're on the verge of a breakthrough. Right this moment you're gonna meet the one.

All you need to be is the "cool kid".

Young does not mean carefree, just the things you care about are different. Homework, being the "cool kid", not getting caught while doing the "cool things" and of course not being the smartest nerd. Great recipe for nightmares.

The young at times are not prepared to handle all of this, causing chaos in their nascent lives. Youth can be confusing, challenging and at times smothering. Love is what keeps youth alive, the hope is that they would find what they are looking for and a mere inkling of such, can infuse a lifetime worth of energy .

The young write about love, the experienced talk about the love they had/never had. The young talk about the king in all his glory , never forgetting to mention his love story. A story told so passionately, a story so enthralling , a tale so involved you'd fall in love.

Funny as it may sound the young seem to know what they want better than the experienced. The experienced have a way of complicating things, spiders caught in their own web, a web so complex even string theory couldn't claim to explain it. The young look for love, out of nothing else to do at times, at times out of being young.

The young define fashion when the experienced are too worried about getting outmoded. The young life is but a throw of caution to the wind, roller skating towards/away, against the wind. Amidst all, the young stand tall, less worried about living, more about how large.

Finally, youth is about purity of heart and sanctity of life. Every emotion is heartfelt and every effort sincere, every moment is a lifetime and every friend is dear. There are no materials there is no greed and if you've never felt this way, well, you were never YOUNG.


Vijay Shankar said...

Are you suddenly feeling old?

And yes, String theory explaining spider webs? I think knot theory might be closer.

psychedelically_yours said...

I do not understand string theory :). And no, james brown said this and i concur, "I feel good" .

Dhruv aka Cam said...

Abey... ! You look like a sixty year old who is reflecting on his past life, lonely and moreover a firm believer of the astronaut theory !!!
I can very well understand what happens when you have water every where and there isnt evena a drop for you. :)